Man’s Best Friend is a wonderful friend and companion, who has been a big part of our lives for thousands of years. Fido’s love, loyalty, and intelligence make him a cherished and beloved pet, and an important part of the family. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to take your furry pal everywhere with you. Sooner or later, you’ll likely have to put your canine buddy in a kennel. In this article, a Bucks County, PA vet offers advice on boarding dogs.

Trial Run

Before bringing Fido for an extended stay at his doggy hotel, schedule a shorter visit, like an overnight trip. This will help your canine pal get accustomed to his new surroundings, so it will be easier for him next time.

Clear Instructions

Is your pooch allergic to wheat? Is he aggressive towards other dogs? This sort of information can be very helpful to the kennel staff. Don’t rely on word of mouth to relay important information: provide special instructions and/or pertinent information in writing. Be clear and brief, and don’t get overly detailed. Fido’s caregivers probably don’t need to know that he regularly lets the cat steal his bed. They would, however, benefit from being told that he is terrified of thunderstorms.

Ask Questions

Find out important information in advance. For instance, you’ll want to ask what hours the kennel is open for dropping off or picking up pets. You’ll also want to enquire about their procedures for contacting you. Will they call with quick questions, or only in an emergency? The kennel should ask questions as well. If they don’t require proof of vaccinations, go somewhere else: that would be a serious red flag. (The exception here is if you board with your vet, as they would already have Fido’s records.)

Pack Properly

Ask about the kennel’s policy for bringing Fido’s food and belongings. Some kennels may encourage you to bring toys and bedding, while others don’t allow personal items.

Dropping Off

When you drop off your canine buddy, avoid prolonged emotional goodbyes. We know, it’s hard to leave that adorable furry face behind, but it will be much easier on Fido if the farewell is short and sweet. Think of it as ripping a Band-Aid off.

Do you have any questions about boarding? Do you need to board your pet? Call us, your Bucks County, PA animal hospital, anytime!